Install Citrix Receiver on Ubuntu 12.04/12.10

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Disclaimer: i’ve not invented this.

It seems like getting Citrix Receiver to work on Ubuntu 12.04 is not as trivial as I thought it would be. This post serves as a reference for me and maybe others on how to get Citrix to work on Ubuntu 12.o4.

Let’s get started ;)

First thing first! When you try to login to Citrix using Firefox you will be presented with the following screen.


Install Citrix Receiver

First you need to download the icaclient of your distro.

Open the Terminal and change to the directory where you have downloaded icaclient_12.1.0_amd64.deb file.

cd Downloads

install icaclient

sudo dpkg -i icaclient_12.1.0_amd64.deb

when you try to install the package you will get an error similar to this one.


Don’t panic!!!

It seems like there are required dependencies missing, run the following command to install them.

sudo apt-get install -f

While you are trying to install the missing dependencies another issue will come up (no I’m not kidding!)


To resolve this issue, we need to modify the postinst script file.

  1. Edit icaclient.postinst file
  2. sudo gedit /var/lib/dpkg/info/icaclient.postinst
  3. Search for echo $Arch|grep “i[0-9]86″ >/dev/null
  4. Replace it with echo $Arch|grep -E “i[0-9]86|x86_64″ >/dev/null
  5. Run this command to reconfigure the client  sudo dpkg –configure icaclient , your terminal should show something similar to this screen indicating that everything went OK.


Now if you go back to your browser and try to login again, you won’t be asked to install the client again. Just when you think it’s working you will be presented with the following error.

citrix error

It is basically complaining about some missing certificate file (I don’t want to pretend like i know what’s going on, but … ) anyway, copy the missing certificate by running this command.

sudo cp /usr/share/ca-certificates/mozilla/Thawte_Premium_Server_CA.crt /opt/Citrix/ICAClient/keystore/cacerts/

Restart FireFox and you should be good to go.



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